Online Groups

Online groups accessible digitally or by phone

Our Current Group Schedule

To Join Groups, Click Here
Or open zoom and enter the ID: 781 333 8015
To access groups by PHONE, call this number at the start of group: (929)436-2866

Then follow instructions to enter the Meeting ID: 781 333 8015
If asked for a Participant ID, simply press #

About Our Groups

Wellbeing: What does wellbeing mean to you? This is a space to explore ideas about wellbeing in every sense of the word and work together towards our own definitions of what it means to be “well.”

Sharing Interests: Have you seen a good movie recently, or read a book that captivated you? Have you come across an interesting video online, or found a type of food that’s new to you? This group is a space for sharing and discussing interests, from years-long hobbies to brand-new discoveries.

Healing from Difficult Experiences: How do we heal when we have gone through something difficult or experienced trauma? What does the process of healing look like? This is a space to safely discuss the difficult experiences we’ve had, and explore our paths to healing.

Open Discussion: This is an open topic peer support group. This group is a space for anything you’d like to bring up - whether there’s something specific you’d like to seek support around, something going on you’d like to share with the group, or you’re simply looking to chat about an interesting topic.